Emeritus Professor
Contact Information
- Office Address: 419 Dougherty Engineering Building
- Phone: 865-974-2421
- E-mail: prb@utk.edu
- PhD, Purdue: Thermodynamics, environmental biotechnology and sustainable energy.
Paul Bienkowski earned his bachelor’s degree cum laude in Chemical Engineering from Newark College of Engineering in 1970, and his Masters (1972) and PhD (1975) in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University. His dissertation research included the development of an equation of state for fluids.
Bienkowski worked for 7 years in industry with Amoco Chemicals R & D in organic chemicals and subsequently spent 5 years teaching Process Design at Purdue University and conducting research at the Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering (LORRE) working on fuels and chemicals from biomass, adsorption, fermentation, and bioprocess evaluations. In 1985, he joined the faculty at the University of Tennessee in the Chemical Engineering Department and also worked at ORNL in the Chemical Technology Division where he conducted research in the areas of thermodynamics, process design, and development and environmental biotechnology. Bienkowski has authored or co-authored over 50 peer reviewed journal articles.
Professional Service
- Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE)
- Peer Review Panelist EPA & NSF
- Reviewer (ad hoc)
- Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry
- Separation Science and Technology
- ACS Symposium Series
- McGraw-Hill
- United States Air Force
- ES&T
- ACS Petroleum Research Fund
- I&EC
- Fluid Phase Equilibrium
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- Environmental biotechnology
- Thermodynamics
- Process Design
- Hoyme, Craig, P. R. Bienkowski, and J. Siirola, “A Parametric Reactive Distillation Study: Economic Feasibility and Design Heuristics,” AIChE 2004 Annual Meeting, November 2004.
- Perkins, L.W., T. Klasson, R.M. Counce, and P.R. Bienkowski, “Development of Nitrolysis for Excess Sludge Treatment II: A Factorial Study of Industrial Wastes,” Ind. and Eng. Chem. Res. 42(22) 5457-5461 (2003).
- Perkins, L.W., T. Klasson, R. M. Counce, and P. R. Bienkowski,“Development of Nitrolysis for Excess Sludge Treatment: A Factorial Study,” Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 42 3544 – 3548 (2003).
- Bienkowski, P.R., and K.C. Chao, "Molecular Hard-Cores of Normal Fluids," J. Chem. Phys., 62 4217 (1975).
- Bienkowski, P.R., and K.C. Chao, "Hard-Cores of Molecules of Simple Fluids," J. Chem. Phys., 62 615 (1975).
- Bienkowski, P.R., H.S. Deneholz, and K.C. Chao, "A Generalized Hard-Sphere Augmented Virial Equation of State," AIChE Journal, 19167 (1973).