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 Faculty MemberResearch
Art Ragauskas.

Arthur J. Ragauskas

Interim Department Head and UT-ORNL Governor's Chair for Biorefining
Biorefining; Nanolignocellulosics; Green Chemistry; BioFuels; Bio-Based Materials & Chemicals; BioComposites; BioPower; Fiber Modification; Pulping/Bleaching; Chemistry of Natural Biopolymers including Cellulose, Hemicellulose, and Lignin; Polysaccharides; Organic/Carbohydrate Chemistry
Gila Stein.

Gila E. Stein

Associate Head, Director of Graduate Studies, and Prados Professor
Self-Assembly in Polymeric Systems, Physics of Confined Polymers, Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends, Architectural Design of Polymers, Lithographic Materials, Coatings, Thin Film Membranes, X-Ray Scattering Methods
Eric Boder.

Eric T. Boder

Associate Head, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Associate Professor
Biomolecular Engineering Applications in Immune Function, Viral Membrane Fusion Proteins, Molecular Switching and Cell Adhesion Proteins, Protein Immobilizing and Modifying Enzymes
Steven Abel.

Steven M. Abel

Associate Professor
Computational Cell Biology and Immunology, Theory and Simulation of Soft Biological Materials
Rigoberto Advincula

Rigoberto Advincula

UT-ORNL Governor's Chair of Advanced and Nanostructured Materials
Polymers, Nanoscience, Macromolecule Science and Engineering, Organic Materials, Hybrid Materials, Ultrathin Films
Belinda Akpa.

Belinda Akpa

Associate Professor
Computational biomedicine, Systems physiology, Mechanistic mathematical modeling
Ria Corder

Ria D. Corder

Assistant Professor
Rheology, Soft Materials, Polymers, Complex Fluids, and Additive Manufacturing
Paul Dalhaimer.

Paul Dalhaimer

Associate Professor
Nanomedicine in the Context of Mouse Models of Metabolic Diseases
Michale Danquah

Michael Danquah

Professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Aptasensing, Targeted Drug Delivery, Bioaffinity Analysis and Simulations, Plasmid Biopharmaceutical Development, Nanoformulation of Bioactive Ingredients, Microbial Bioremediation, Biofuels Development, Natural Products Discovery
Manolis Doxastakis.

Manolis Doxastakis

Associate Professor
Polymer Melts, Blends and Nanocomposites; Reaction-Diffusion in Patterning Applications; Biomolecules in Membranes; Multiscale Modeling and Characterization of Materials Coupled to Experiments
Brian Edwards.

Brian J. Edwards

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Polymer Dynamics, Rheology, Molecular Simulation, Statistical Mechanics
Paul Frymier.

Paul D. Frymier

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Engagement and Professor
Stability of Hydrogen Production from Photosystems of Thermophyllic Cyanobacteria, Improving the Kinetics of Electron Transport in Isolated Photosystems and Cytochromes, Protein Stabilization in Liposomes
Bamin Khomami.

Bamin Khomami

Granger and Beaman Distinguished University Professor
Structure, Dynamics, and Rheology of Complex Fluids and Soft Matter; Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems; Processing Science of Micro- and Nano-Structured Materials; Nano- and Micro-Scale Interfacial Phenomenon
Siris Laursen.

Siris O. Laursen

Associate Professor
Heterogeneous Catalysis, Fundamental Surface Science, High Energy Catalysis, Quantum Chemical Surface Reaction Modeling, Electronic Structure of Molecules and Materials, Fundamental Design of Chemical Kinetics, Rational Catalyst Design, Non-Noble Metal Ceramic and Intermetallic Compound Nanoparticle Catalyst Synthesis, and Renewable Fuels and Chemicals Catalysis
Stephen Paddison.

Stephen J. Paddison

Gibson Endowed Chair in Engineering, Professor
Ion Containing Polymers, Proton and Hydroxide Ion Exchange Membranes, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, Structure/Property Relationships
Sankar Raghavan.

Sankar V. Raghavan

Eastman Professor of Practice
Engineering Pedagogy
Brandon Stevens.

Brandon Stevens

Lecturer of Practice
Cong Trinh.

Cong T. Trinh

Ferguson Faculty Fellow in Chemical Engineering, Professor
Systems and Synthetic Biology; Metabolic Engineering; Biochemical Engineering; Microbiome Engineering; Computational Biology; Cell Physiology; Bioenergy, Biofuels, Biochemicals, Biomaterials; CRISPR technology; and Antimicrobials
Thomas Zawodzinski.

Thomas A. Zawodzinski

UT-ORNL Governor's Chair for Electrical Energy Conversion and Storage
Electrolytes and Composite Electrodes for Fuel Cells, Fundamentals of Energy Storage Materials and Systems, Water Management in Fuel Cells, Application of NMR to Chemical Engineering Problems