Rigoberto Advincula, UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair of Advanced and Nanostructured Materials in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, has been named a Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellow.
Advincula was selected to the class of 2025 MRS Fellows for his contributions to research on advanced polymers and nanostructured materials, and his leadership in the frontiers of research, scholarly communication, and education in materials.
“I appreciate MRS for this remarkable honor given the large community of active MRS members at the university and ORNL,” Advincula said. “Both institutions’ scientists, professors, and students are at the forefront of science, engineering, and manufacturing of materials.”
The title of MRS Fellow honors MRS members who are notable for their distinguished research accomplishments and their outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials research worldwide. The distinction is highly selective, limited annually to just 0.2% of the current MRS regular membership.
The MRS Fellows will be honored during the 2025 MRS Spring Meeting in Seattle, Washington, April 7–11. They will receive a certificate and a pin.