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CBE Announces 2024 Award Winners

Each spring, the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering recognizes the outstanding work of students, faculty, and staff through various awards. Congratulations to all the award winners this year!

Student Awards

AIChE Student Chapter Service Award

Victoria Rogers
Awarded annually for outstanding service to the department and the student section of the professional society American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

AIChE Professional Chapter Student Achievement Award

Adia Bulawa
Annual award to a graduating senior presented by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for academic accomplishment.

Outstanding Academic Promise CBE Sophomore Award

(John) Carter Murphy
Department award for highest academic achievement among second-year students based on cumulative GPA and other academic metrics.

Outstanding CBE Junior Award

Evgeny Turdakov & Owen Klug
Department award for highest academic achievement among third-year students based on cumulative GPA and other academic metrics.

Kenneth M. Elliot Outstanding CBE Senior Award

Laura Turner
An award to the outstanding graduating senior who has displayed academic talent and leadership.

Alpha Chi Sigma Albert Cooper Award

Christopher Leonard
Annual award presented to an outstanding CBE student by the professional fraternity of chemical sciences.

Professor Jack Watson Award for Excellence in Separation Research

Brian Barth
Awarded annually to the graduate student who has performed research in the separations area of chemical engineering practice and achieved significant progress.

1st Place Undergraduate Research Poster Award

Morgan Smith & Hunter Wood

2nd Place Undergraduate Research Poster Award

Caroline Whitaker & Virginia Wilson

3rd Place Undergraduate Research Poster Award

Evgeny Turdakov

Promise CBE Graduate Student Award

Samuel Adotey & Christopher Cotter

Outstanding Achievement CBE Graduate Student Award

Zhenghao Zhu & David Dooley

CBE Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Zhenghao Zhu

Faculty and Staff Awards

Outstanding CBE Staff Award (Faculty)

Carmen Ghossein

Administrative Specialist II
Annual award for the staff member who goes above and beyond expectations to keep the department running smoothly and efficiently.

Outstanding CBE Staff Award (Staff)

Evelyn Tallent

Senior Financial Associate
Annual award for the staff member who goes above and beyond expectations to keep the department running smoothly and efficiently.

Outstanding CBE Staff Award (Student)

Carmen Ghossein

Administrative Specialist II
Annual award for the staff member who goes above and beyond expectations to keep the department running smoothly and efficiently.

Faculty Teaching Award

Gila Stein

Associate Head, Director of Graduate Studies, and Prados Professor
Award for outstanding classroom and laboratory instruction in CBE coursework, as voted by CBE graduate and undergraduate students. Winner must be at least one year away from receiving this award previously.

Tom and Ruth Clark Excellence in Chemical Engineering Award

Paul Dalhaimer

Associate Professor
Award for excellence in chemical engineering education, research, and service, sponsored annually by Tom and Ruth Clark. Selection is made by the CBE award committee.

Faculty Research and Scholarship Achievement Award

Siris Laursen

Associate Professor


Lilly Tran (