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Zack Sparks made important contributions to Ria Corder’s lab, like designing a 3D attachment that connects the lab’s FTIR spectrometer to a UV light source.

Art Ragauskas has been selected as a Laureate of the Global Lithuanian Awards 2024 in the category for International Scientific Achievements. 

Art Ragauskas, interim department head and UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining, was named to the 2024 Clarivate list of Highly Cited Researchers.

Three students from TCE won awards at the fall 2024 Graves Business Plan Competition, a UT pitch competition that provides experience for student entrepreneurs.

The department hosts a workshop about the engineering aspects of electrolysis of chemicals and water to attract industry and academic experts from across the country.

David Sholl was recently named the executive director and vice provost of the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute.

UT & Eonix were selected for a Phase II STTR $1.7 million grant focused on ultra-high-power batteries for directed energy, counter drone awards, and e-VTOL systems.

UT engineering team helps Nissan find a “second life” for its LEAF model electric vehicle batteries by turning them into power supplies.

UT has been selected to lead an international team of researchers working toward a circular global economy—one of the world’s greatest modern challenges.

A new fermenter and ultrafiltration unit in CBE’s Eastman Unit Operations Laboratory will let undergraduates explore biomolecular engineering more deeply.