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News Archive Art Ragauskas

Tag Archives: Art Ragauskas

Art Ragauskas is helping evaluate a new biofuel that blends perfectly with heavy fuel oil, reducing marine pollution without affecting fuel cost or performance.

Art Ragauskas and team have demonstrated that high-quality polyurethane (PU) foams are readily prepared from lignin extracted from biomass.

Two researchers from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering appeared on Clarivate’s 2023 High Cited Researchers list.

Arthur Ragauskas’ research publication addressing one of the most urgent challenges in biorefining, has been selected as a 2023 Green Chemistry Hot Article.

UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining Art Ragauskas has been selected to lead the department, where he will serve a two year term as the interim department head.

The Royal Society of Chemistry awarded UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Art Ragauskas its 2022 Environment Prize for his role in the development and refinement of plant-based fuels.

Research from a team that includes UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Art Ragauskas will appear on the August cover of ChemSusChem. Abstract […]

UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining Art Raguaskas was included on Clarivate’s 2021 list of highly cited researchers, identifying him as one of the top researchers in the field.

UT–ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining Art Ragauskas and team are investigating new methods for reclaiming and reusing plastic waste.

Art Ragauskas’ research team discovered that the suppression of pectic gene in switchgrass resulted in the reduction of hemicellulose molecular […]