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News Archive Faculty

Category Archives: Faculty

Associate Professor Joshua Sangoro was selected by the National Science Foundation as a 2018 recipient of its prestigious CAREER award.

Associate Professor Siris Laursen was selected by the National Science Foundation as a 2018 recipient of its prestigious CAREER award.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science has named Department Head Bamin Khomami as a 2018 Fellow in recognition of his research.

UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Art Ragauskas and other researchers are exploring ways to generate a profit from lignin, which is currently regarded as waste.

Round up of faculty awards from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

The Zawodzinski Group in CBE has made several advancements in fuel cell design, particularly in polymer electrolytes, electrodes, and catalysts.

Prados Professor Gila Stein’s research seeks to understand how properties of thin polymer films control the progression of chemical reactions to predict how new materials will perform.

Ferguson Fellow and Associate Professor Cong Trinh is developing a method to improve the time involved in both identification and removal of pathogens through the concept of a Virulent Pathogen Resistance program, or ViPaRe.

Overview of the soft materials research being performed within the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Ferguson Faculty Fellow Cong Trinh received the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award for 2017 for his research ViPaRe.